Peru: One killed in armed assault on prison workers


Lima (Peru)– A prison worker was killed and another injured in an armed assault outside a prison in southern Peru’s Ica region, according to the National Penitentiary Institute (Inpe).

“Our Institution expresses its condolences to the family of the deceased and will provide all necessary support to the workers affected by this incident,” the agency said on X.

The victims of the assault outside the prison in the city of Chincha were identified as Fanny Flor Hernandez Correa, who died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, and Manuel Ricardo Cervantes Cruz, who was injured and “is out of danger.”

The assault took place around 7:30 a.m. local time on Wednesday when suspects riding a motorcycle ambushed the workers, as they were arriving by car at a security checkpoint several meters from the prison entrance, reports Xinhua, quoting the state-run news agency Andina.

Hernandez Correa had previously received death threats inside the prison, according to the media report. (IANS)