Hispanics Are 36% More Likely to Be Monthly Moviegoers, Compared to Overall US Moviegoers

Jennifer Lopez (Photo: Twitter)

NEW YORK—When it comes to popular culture, US Hispanics are prolific consumers – so understanding their preferences among genres, actors, and actresses is a top priority for the movie industry.

Research from MRI-Simmons and E-Poll shows that, compared to the average moviegoer nationwide, Hispanic moviegoers (ages 18 and above) are 36% more likely to see at least one movie a month. Four in ten (41%) Hispanic moviegoers attend one movie a month or more, compared to 30% of all US moviegoers.

In addition, one out of 5 Hispanic moviegoers prefer to see a new movie on opening weekend; this makes them 69% more likely to do so compared to the average moviegoer nationwide.

US Hispanic moviegoers also are 77% more likely to watch a full-length movie on their mobile/smartphones compared to the average US moviegoer (19% of Hispanic moviegoers versus 11% for all US moviegoers).

The top three genres among Hispanic moviegoers are Action/Adventure, Comedy, and Drama; and in each category, their favorite actors and actresses are sometimes profoundly different from the overall US population.

Product preferences differ among Hispanic movie fans

A new analysis using MRI E-Score Celebrity Fusion (January 2019) – a joint product of MRI-Simmons and E-Poll – shows how the Hispanic fans of today’s leading film stars also differ in their preferences across a host of product categories, from bottled water to candy.

Hispanic moviegoers who are fans of Jennifer Lopez are 32% more likely than the average US population to be Kit Kat consumers in the past 6 months. But those who like Mila Kunis are two times more likely to be M&M’s Almond consumers. Lopez, Kunis, and Sofia Vergara are the most-liked film actresses among Hispanic moviegoers.

The MRI E-Score Celebrity Fusion also identified that Hispanic moviegoers who like Leonardo DiCaprio are 62% more likely to be Fiji bottled water consumers in the past 6 months, compared to the US average. Keanu Reeves fans, on the other hand, show an affinity for Crystal Geyser (two times more likely). DiCaprio, Reeves, and Chris Rock are the most-liked film actors among Hispanic moviegoers.

Table 1. Product favorites among Hispanic moviegoers who like film actors and actresses

Top bottled water brand Top candy brand
Mila Kunis Evian M&M’s Almond
Sofia Vergara Perrier Twix
Jennifer Lopez Crystal Geyser Kit Kat
Leonardo DiCaprio Fiji Hershey’s Almond
Keanu Reeves Arrowhead Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme
Chris Rock Crystal Geyser Hershey’s Kisses

The findings on Hispanic moviegoers come from the January 2019 MRI E-Score Celebrity Fusion – a fusion of the MRI-Simmons Doublebase 2018 data and data from E-Poll’s E-Score Celebrity study. Doublebase 2018 data represent two waves (roughly 48,000 consumer interviews) of MRI’s Survey of the American Consumer®.

The MRI E-Score Celebrity Fusion covers over 4,000 celebrities and 600 product categories, allowing brands, agencies, and media companies to see which celebrities best fit with their brands, sponsorships and media campaigns.